Don’t Let Good Content Go to Waste: Spring Cleaning Techniques for Recycling Blog Posts

July 26, 2023
Don’t Let Good Content Go to Waste: Spring Cleaning Techniques for Recycling Blog Posts

Are your old blog posts gathering dust in the depths of your website? It’s time to give them a fresh lease on life! Don’t let all that valuable content go to waste. In this digital age, where attention spans are shorter than ever, recycling and repurposing your blog posts is the key to maximizing their reach and impact. Join us as we delve into spring cleaning techniques for breathing new life into your archives, turning forgotten gems into viral sensations. Get ready to unleash the power of recycling and watch as your old content becomes the star of the show once again!

What is Blog Post Recycling?

We’ve all been there – staring at a blank screen, wondering what in the world we’re going to write about. It’s a common problem for bloggers, especially those who have been blogging for a while and have run out of fresh ideas. But there’s no need to despair! One great way to come up with new content is to recycle old blog posts.

Blog post recycling is simply repurposing your existing content in a new and interesting way. For example, you could take an old blog post and turn it into an infographic, or create a new video based on the content of an older article. The possibilities are endless – all you need is a little creativity!

Not only is blog post recycling a great way to come up with new ideas, but it also helps you get more mileage out of your existing content. If you have articles that performed well in the past but haven’t been getting much attention lately, recycling them can breathe new life into them and help you attract new readers.

So next time you’re feeling stuck for something to write about, don’t hesitate to go through your old blog posts and see if there’s anything you can recycle. With a little effort, you’ll be surprised at how much new content you can come up with!

Benefits of Blog Post Recycling

If you’re like most bloggers, you’ve probably got a backlog of old blog posts that you never got around to publishing. Or maybe you have a few posts that didn’t get much traction when they were first published, but you think could be relevant again with a little updating. Whatever the case may be, don’t let all that good content go to waste! Here are some spring cleaning techniques for recycling your old blog posts:

1. Update outdated information. If your post is about a evergreen topic like social media marketing or SEO, chances are the information in it is already out of date. But that doesn’t mean the post is worthless! Just give it a quick update with the latest statistics, trends, and tips, and republish it.

2. Give it a new spin. If you have a post that’s been sitting around for awhile but you’re not sure how to update it, try giving it a new angle or perspective. For example, if you wrote a post about the benefits of blogging for business back in 2010, you could update it for 2017 by talking about how blogging has changed in the past 7 years and what businesses can still gain from having a blog today.

3. Combine related posts. Do you have two or three shorter posts on similar topics that never really got much attention on their own? Try combining them into one longer, more comprehensive post. This is a great way to recycle content and create something new and more valuable to your readers.

4. Repurpose it for other mediums. You can also recycle old blog posts by repurposing them into other formats, such as infographics, videos, podcasts, or slideshows. This gives you the opportunity to reach a whole new audience and get even more value out of your content.

Recycling your old blog posts isn’t just about saving time and effort. By taking advantage of these techniques, you can breathe new life into old content and create something that’s even better than what you originally had!

Types of Content That Can Be Recycled

There are a variety of types of content that can be recycled from old blog posts. This includes text, images, videos, and infographics. By repurposing this content, you can give it new life and reach a new audience.

Text: You can recycle the text of old blog posts by creating new articles, ebooks, or even printables. Simply update the information to ensure that it is still relevant and add any new insights that you have gained since the original post was published.

Images: Images can be reused in new blog posts or social media posts. If you have older blog posts with great photos that haven’t been used in awhile, dust them off and put them back into circulation!

Videos: Videos can be edited and repurposed into new content such as webinars, tutorials, or even short vlogs. If you have an older video that is no longer getting views, consider giving it a makeover with some fresh editing.

Infographics: Infographics can be recycled by turning them into templates, checklists, or cheat sheets. You can also use them as featured images in new blog posts or social media posts. If you have an infographic that isn’t being used to its full potential, consider giving it a second life by repurposing it into something else.

How to Find Old Content to Reuse

Assuming you have a blog with some level of traffic and engagement, there are most likely a few posts that stick out as being particularly successful. Maybe they were shared a lot on social media, received a lot of comments, or generated a lot of leads. These are the types of posts you want to focus on when looking for old content to reuse.

To find these older posts, you can start by looking at your Google Analytics account to see which articles have received the most traffic over time. You can also look at social media analytics to see which posts have been shared the most. Once you’ve identified a few key pieces of content, it’s time to start thinking about how you can recycle them into new and fresh content.

One option is to take an old blog post and turn it into a new video or podcast episode. This can be especially effective if the original post was particularly popular on social media. You can also create an infographic from an old blog post or break it down into smaller tips or pieces that can be used as social media updates.

The sky is the limit when it comes to recycling old blog content. By taking some time to identify your most successful pieces and thinking creatively about how they can be repurposed, you can ensure that your good content doesn’t go to waste!

Creative Ways to Repurpose Old Blog Posts

1. Look for evergreen content: This is the kind of content that will never go out of style—think tips, how-tos, and lists. These are the posts you can repurpose again and again.

2. Update old posts: If you have a post that’s starting to feel a little dated, see if there’s any new information you can add to bring it up to date. You can also freshen up the post with new photos or graphics.

3. Create a new series: If you have a few old posts that fit together nicely, consider turning them into a series. This could be anything from a weekly roundup of your best blog posts to an in-depth exploration of a particular topic.

4. Make it into a video: Videos are all the rage these days, so why not turn one of your old blog posts into a video? You can do this yourself with just a few simple tools, or hire someone to do it for you.

5. Turn it into an ebook: Have you written a post that’s really long and in-depth? If so, consider turning it into an ebook! This is a great way to give your readers even more value, and it’s something they can download and keep forever.

Techniques for Revamping Existing Blog Posts

There’s no need to let good content go to waste! If you have existing blog posts that are starting to feel a little stale, there are some simple techniques you can use to breathe new life into them.

One approach is to simply update the post with new information. If there have been any developments in the topic since you originally wrote about it, be sure to add them in. This will not only make your post more relevant, but it will also show your readers that you’re keeping up with the latest news and information.

Another option is to take a different angle on the same topic. If you wrote a post about a particular product or service, try writing a follow-up post from a different perspective. For example, if you wrote a positive review of a new restaurant, follow it up with a post highlighting some of the unique dishes that they offer.

Don’t forget that adding new visuals can also be a great way to spruce up an old post. If your original article was mostly text-based, try adding some images or even videos to break things up. This will make your post more visually appealing and help it stand out from the rest of your blog content.

Tools and Resources for Updating Blog Posts

If you’re like most bloggers, you’ve probably got a backlog of content that you never got around to publishing. Or maybe you have some old posts that could use an update. Either way, don’t let all that good content go to waste! Here are some tools and resources for updating your blog posts:

– Google Sheets: You can use Google Sheets to keep track of which posts need to be updated and when. Create a sheet with columns for the post title, date published, date updated, and notes.

– CoSchedule: CoSchedule is a great tool for scheduling and managing your blog content. With its “Recycling Assistant” feature, you can easily see which posts are due for an update.

– Evernote: Evernote is a versatile tool that can be used for organizing and tracking your blog content. Create a notebook for your blog posts and add notes about which posts need to be updated.

WordPress Plugin: There are several plugins available for WordPress that will help you manage your blog content, including one specifically for recycling old posts (

By using these tools and resources, you can make sure your blog content is always fresh and up-to-date!


A blog post spring clean can help you breathe life into old content and repurpose it for maximum impact. By recycling your posts, you’re not just saving time; you’re creating even better content that will drive more organic traffic to your website. Don’t let good content go to waste – use the techniques outlined in this article to ensure your posts are reaching as many readers as possible!

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